Author: Matthias

Tech M&A Update – post-Covid situation dwarfs pre-Covid

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Tech M&A market has been extremely vibrant over the last 6 – 9 months, driven by investment capital pouring into the Tech market, and an increasing customer demand for Tech solutions. The juxtaposition of pre-Covid versus post-Covid times shows the exceptionally strong performance of...

Notable Tech Exits 2012 – 2014

Announced Date Target Buyers PRIMARY INDUSTRY 12.18.2014 Dolphin Technologies GmbH Industrieliegenschaftenverwaltung Aktiengesellschaft. IT Services 12.09.2014 Sunwin Energy Systems GmbH GASOKOL GmbH Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment 11.21.2014 Medienfachverlag Johann Oberauer GmbH Johann Oberauer GmbH Software & Services 11.20.2014 Commend International GmbH TKH Group NV (ENXTAM:TWEKA) Technology Hardware & Equipment 11.20.2014 levatis Software Service GmbH Automic Software GmbH Software & Services 11.06.2014 BF Holding AG (WBAG:BFC) Pierer Industrie AG Software & Services 10.29.2014 Network Energy Services Cedrus...

Russmedia Group acquires stake in

The Media Group from Vorarlberg which is active across Europe has turned its focus to international expansion into the Sharing economy through acquiring a stake in, the largest independent ski rental website in Europe. Venture and M&A professionals from i5invest advised on this...

Austrian Tech Exits 2015: i5invest-Report zeigt Trends und Insights der IT- und Tech-Branche

Die österreichische Wirtschaft kommt seit Jahren nicht mehr richtig in Gang – mit Ausnahme einiger Teilbereiche, wie der „Austrian Tech Exit Report 2015“ zeigt. Der Report gibt spannende Insights zur Transaktions-Entwicklung und den Trends bei Firmenübernahmen und Finanzierungsrunden in der österreichischen IT- und Tech-Branche der letzten...

Venture Days 2015 in Prague

Venture Days will feature pitch sessions, speeches, meetings and discussions in an informal atmosphere during coffee breaks, lunch and evening socializing event. Event is limited to a certain number of participants, thus attendees will have more time to talk with each other, collaborate on ideas...

Vienna Summer Summit

b-to-v Members and selected guests will meet in Vienna for the very first Vienna Summer Summit with Junge Industrie, AC & Friends and SpeedInvest. The event will feature 4 live presentations of start-ups which are in the process of raising capital for their business. Moreover,...

i5invest holt Johannes Raidl an Bord

Johannes Raidl (31) verstärkt ab 18. Mai die Startup-Factory i5invest ( Der geborene Wiener wird mit seiner internationalen Transaktionserfahrung, seinem starken Industrie-Netzwerk und seinen guten Asien-Kontakten die M&A Kompetenzen des i5invest-Teams rund um Geschäftsführer Herwig Springer und dem Business-Angel und US-Markt Experten Markus Wagner ergänzen....

Startup Factory i5invest verpasst sich neue Strategie und holt sich M&A Profi als neuen Geschäftsführer

i5invest (, eines der arriviertesten Unternehmen des sich dynamisch entwickelnden, österreichischen Startup-Ecosystems, adaptiert das Team und baut seine M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions)-Kompetenz weiter aus. Unter dem neuen Geschäftsführer Herwig Springer erweitert der Inkubator (seit 2007 war das i5invest-Team unter anderem am Aufbau beziehungsweise Exit von...

Konica Minolta invests in Augmented Reality Pioneer Wikitude

Wikitude GmbH, renowned pioneer of augmented reality (AR) technology, announced today that it has secured a 7-digit Euro investment from Konica Minolta Inc, a leading service provider for IT and document processes. The partnership will not only enable Wikitude access to Konica Minolta’s global customer base...

Matomy Media Group Acquires MobFox, Europe’s Leading Mobile Advertising Platform

Acquisition of mobile programmatic advertising company follows Matomy’s recent entry into a strategic partnership with Publicis Groupe TEL AVIV and LONDON (28 October 2014) — Following the announcement earlier this month of its new strategic partnership with French advertising company Publicis Groupe, Matomy Media Group (LSE:MTMY)...

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