

FINDOLOGIC has been developing advanced search solutions for online stores since 2008 and is one of the leading providers. The FINDOLOGIC Platform is a unique new approach leading to unprecedented efficiency in online stores. In particular, FINDOLOGIC focusses on the behavior of the online store’s...


MARMIND is a leading international provider of Marketing Resource Management solutions designed to empower marketers to optimize resources and maximize results. MARMIND has grown into one of the top Marketing Resource Management platforms in Europe and beyond. With global brands such as Deutsche Telekom, Daimler,...

Findologic GmbH

On December 20th 2018, FINDOLOGIC GmbH, the market-leading on-site eCommerce solution received a mid-digit million investment from BE Beteiligungen Fonds, a German Private Equity based in Cologne. i5invest acted as FINDOLOGIC'S corporate development advisor and remains on the advisory board. Salzburg (Austria) based FINDOLOGIC is the market...

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