Stefan Podany

Stefan works as Director in the Corporate Development / M&A team of i5invest leading business and corporate development projects with a focus on mobility, logistics and Artificial Intelligence.

Prior to joining i5invest, Stefan worked at the Austrian National Railways on Strategy and M&A projects. He led the company’s transformation program and built up a digital trend foresight team to analyze various trends ranging from Artificial Intelligence to autonomous mobility and blockchain. He started his career at PwC focusing on company and market analysis as well as company valuation.

Stefan holds a BSc Degree in Finance and Management from Vienna University of Economics and Business) studied in South Korea (Korean University) and as an avid learner, holds additional certificates related to Deep learning, Blockchain and Leadership.

Before studying he has been a professional (Tri-)athlete, that is why you will find him swimming, cycling or running if he is not working or reading.

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